The blogging world. At one time, years ago, I immersed myself in this world. I made a lot of friends near and far and I now have beautiful books full of posts chronicling the first few years of Thing 1 and Thing 2. happened...
For as long as I can remember the only thing I truly knew I wanted out of life was motherhood. I was blessed with an amazing husband that supported the desire to be home with our children. Life was good, though not without the usual financial struggles of a young family (I was only 20 when Thing 1 was born, a mere four months after getting married. Yeah, you can do the math...) We lived tightly but I was happy in my stay-at-home-mom-dom. I was an active member of a moms group without which I'm not sure I would have survived those first couple of years of having, essentially, two babies 18 months apart. And then, a day shy of our third wedding anniversary and a weekend trip to Omaha with the older Things, The Husband was laid off from his job. I panicked. If you know me, I am what one would call a "doomsday-er." I had no idea what we were going to do, how we were going to live as we relied solely on his income.
Fast forward through the summer, an opportunity opened up through a moms group friend to help out part time at their chiropractic clinic. It would fill the gap we needed until The Husband found employment (or, as the case became, his business took off) and it would still allow me to be home more than a full time working mom. I hated the thought of being away from my girls (and there was a tough transition period letting go of the control/schedule I had with them and allowing their now stay at home dad to find what worked for them) but you do what you must to take care of your family.
At the same time, I was working on a degree. I was taking classes online so I was able to keep up with it and finish on time. That said - work, school, and the demands of a three year old and an 18 month old, blogging slowly faded away. I didn't have the time I needed to dedicate to it and with the Facebook craze taking off, my ability to stay in touch with family and friends transferred there.
Now, almost five years later, I find myself disliking Facebook more and more (for various reasons) and realizing that the things I post there are more or less for family far away from us, to document the major milestones of the Things for them and so that I can come back and download the pictures to put into albums, etc. I have a few friends out there still blogging (Hi, Sara!) and I do miss the dialogue that went along with the pictures. So, with that, I'm back. I'm not sure the road this will take, how long it will be up, etc...but my hope is to continue the story so that I can someday pass this on to the Things, to show them despite the lack of material things they will inevitably feel they don't have (thank you, society!) we loved them wholeheartedly and did our best to teach them to not take life quite so seriously ;)
I've always talked about making my blog posts from 2006-2012 into books! What company did you use? Any recommendations or tips? I'm so glad you're blogging again, and you've inspired me to get back at it. I especially love your summer learning posts and will use many of your tips and tricks for C this summer and into homeschooling as we "officially" begin in the fall. Thank you! was the site I used. This was a few years ago so there may be better options out there but at the time it was the best FREE option out there. I was able to just download PDF files and then printed later on at our local print center (this allowed me to print on cheaper paper and have it binded). I believe blogger itself now has the option to export your blog into a PDF. The thing I liked about the above website was it designed everything into a book format, allowing me to choose pictures for front and back covers, title pages, an index of posts, and an acknowledgement page where I was able to write a little something to the girls.
DeleteI wish you nothing but the best on your homeschooling adventure! I am envious to say the least. We have decided to give public school another year and see how we feel next Spring (with a little more firm parenting on my part with the teachers). It is still something I wholeheartedly want to do but the timing is just not right. I look forward to following your journey and I'm sure I'll be coming to you for advice down the line!