Outside time at our house gets boring pretty quickly. Living in a small two bedroom townhouse has it's perks (very little cleaning time, not having to worry about the landscaping, calling someone when things go haywire, etc). The lack of yard and play-space, however, is NOT one of them, especially for an active family like ours. We love being outdoors, exploring, and enjoying the few weeks of warmth and sunshine we get each year. The town we live in has a plethora of parks and trails for us to head to almost daily, but there's something to be said for just being able to send your kiddos outside to play in their backyard or with the neighbor kids (which we also lack). So when I stumbled across this idea via Pinterest in our summer learning searches, I knew it would be a hit with the Things (and the story behind their idea is awesome). It turned out to be an ideal morning activity while Thing 3 and her cousin napped and it was still relatively cool outside.
To be fair, I pretty much copied exactly what they did with a few personal tweaks. I am not creative AT ALL. Or, at least, not all of the time. I often get ideas of things I'd like to do but it takes my designer husband to pull most of it off.
We have a sidewalk leading from our front door, around the side of the house, and to our driveway.
The perfect trail!
The girls LOVED it.
They would get to the end, run straight back to the start, and do it all over again. And again and again.
They even got in on the fun in our driveway and created their own paths to follow.
We had a lot of fun being silly, even gave our retired neighbors a good laugh this morning. It's supposed to rain tonight which will be the perfect excuse to go back out and create new paths with new ideas!
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